About Me

Founder of Saved And Sealed

Jennifer Olmeda

I grew up in a Catholic home, attending church and participating in religious traditions, but I never truly understood God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. My understanding of faith was superficial, and I lacked a deep, personal connection with God. As I grew older, my desire to find my purpose in life became more intense, but I felt increasingly lost.

In my pursuit of purpose, I ventured into the world of New Age practices and the law of attraction. I got involved with reiki, crystals, sage, chakra healing, tarot cards, and angel cards. I thought I was a light worker, believing that these practices would lead me to fulfillment. However, despite all my efforts, I remained unfulfilled and continued to search desperately for my purpose.

Then, one night, I had a radical encounter with Jesus that changed everything. It was a profound and transformative experience. In that moment, I knew that Jesus was the answer I had been seeking all along. My life was forever changed. I got rid of all the New Age and law of attraction items, realizing that they could never provide the peace and fulfillment that only Jesus could offer.

I found a beautiful church where I began to grow in my newfound faith. I got baptized, sealing my commitment to Christ. I married the father of my children, and together we witnessed our children getting baptized as well. This was a significant turning point for our family.  

The transformation in my life didn’t stop there. I felt a strong calling to share the joy and peace I had found with my family. I began to minister to my mother and sisters, sharing the gospel and the incredible love of Jesus with them. 



By the grace of God, they too gave their lives to Christ, experiencing the same transformation that I had. Throughout this journey, I realized that the purpose and fulfillment I had been seeking all along could only be found in Jesus. He filled the void in my heart and gave me a sense of identity and purpose that nothing else could. I am no longer lost but found. I now know who I am in Christ, and my life has been forever changed by His amazing grace and love.

Reading the Word of God has been crucial to this transformation. It has renewed my mind and transformed me from the inside out. The scriptures have provided guidance, comfort, and a deeper understanding of God’s will for my life. This intimate relationship with Jesus, fostered through reading His Word, has been the foundation of my newfound purpose and identity.

In response to this transformation, I started my ministry and podcast, Saved and Sealed. My mission is to share the gospel with the world, in the hope that others will come to know Christ and experience His incredible grace and love. My deepest desire is to help other women find the same fulfillment and purpose that I have found in Jesus, and to lead them to an intimate relationship with Him through reading His Word.

I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in biblical counseling and am excited about what Jesus has planned for me. I look forward to using the knowledge and skills I gain to further help others on their faith journey. I am committed to sharing the gospel and the transformative power of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible, helping them to find their true purpose and identity in Him.

Our Mission

At Saved and Sealed, our mission is to lead women to discover their true identity and purpose in Christ through an intimate relationship with Jesus and the transformative power of God’s Word. We are dedicated to sharing the gospel with the world, offering hope, healing, and encouragement to those seeking fulfillment and meaning in their lives. Through our ministry and podcast, we aim to inspire and empower women to build a deep, personal connection with God, embrace their God-given potential, and live a life of purpose and joy in Christ. Our goal is to create a supportive community where every woman feels valued, loved, and equipped to grow in their faith and share the love of Christ with others.

“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is truth.”

John 17:17

“How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word. With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Blessed are You, O Lord! Teach me Your Statutes.”

Psalm 119:9-12

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